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Grades 2-6

Model Product Image Item Name Price
EC020 Les Grosses Lettres

Les Grosses Lettres

ISBN: 9782211070201 ISBN10: 2211070205. Written by: Kéthévane Davrichewy. Softcover, 55pp.. When her grandmother dies, Lou can't bring herself to speak about it. Until she finds a secret way to communicate with Grandma all by herself.


EC5126 Minie Malakoff, la Souris du Metro

Minie Malakoff, la Souris du Metro

ISBN: 9782211075121 ISBN10: 2211075126. Written by: I Schwartz. Softcover, 44pp.. Minie Malakoff is an insomniac mouse who often runs her underground errands in the middle of the night.


GA2299 Noirs et Blancs

Noirs et Blancs

ISBN: 9782070562299 ISBN10: 2070562298. Written by: D McKee. 32 pp, ages 4-7. A long time ago, elephants were black and white. They hated each other, fought and, finally, disappeared. After the war, their grandchildren emerged from hiding - and they were gray... By the creator of Elmer, this fable talks about conflict and peace for 'elephants' all over the world.


EC3093 Pas une fée

Pas une fée

ISBN: 9782211073097 ISBN10: 2211073093. Written by: O de Solminihac. Softcover, 54pp.. In this adorable story, little boys can be cowboys, mothers can have supernatural powers, and daily life can become as magical as a fairy tale in the wink of an eye.


MDS1515 Simon a Deux Maisons

Simon a Deux Maisons

ISBN: 9782884801515 ISBN10: 2884801510. Written by: D Saint Mars. SC, 45 pp. Simon's parents are divorced. When his father starts a new life with a new wife who already has a son ... it gets complicated!


EC4871 Tout le Monde Sait les Lettres sauf Moi!

Tout le Monde Sait les Lettres sauf Moi!

ISBN: 9782211074872 ISBN10: 2211074871. Written by: D Souton. Softcover,. Azalais is embarassed: she is the only child in the class who still can't recognize her letters. But that doesn't stop her from having talents of her own.


EC4944 Violette et la Boîte de Sable

Violette et la Boîte de Sable

ISBN: 9782211074940 ISBN10: 2211074944. Written by: G Brisac. Softcover, 42pp.. Violette hates everything about the beach: sticky sand, cold water, mean crabs. Until one day she finds a mysterious box floating in the waves.


GA6658 Voyage au Pays des Arbres

Voyage au Pays des Arbres

ISBN: 9782070662067 ISBN10: 2070662063. Written by: Jean-Marie Gustave Le Clézio, Henri Galeron. Softcover, 34pp.. A small boy who is bored and dreams of travel, proceeds deep into the forest, where he encounters the trees. It takes him time to tame them, especially the old oak. He can even hear them speak. And when the young trees invite him to their party, the small boy knows that he will be never alone. A magical and poetic trip the land of trees as told by a well known contemporary author.


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