“Klasse!” is a communicative and action-oriented method, focusing on creativity and consistent learner involvement. Exercises for multilingualism start at level A2, to allow the students to use real life application of the language, and CLIL tasks make it possible to combine German content with other subjects. Videos show scenes and stories from the everyday life of young people in Germany. Humorous and authentic clips integrate language, gestures and facial expressions. Grammar clips help students to understand new structures. Both the text and workbook both contain 12 chapters; the text offers activity-oriented tasks and projects and summaries of vocabulary, speech, grammar and self-evaluation sections. The workbook contains additional exercises and a glossary at the end of each chapter. All the audio and video material, as well as, quizzes are available online. The teacher’s book includes reproducible masters for CLIL tasks and comes with a DVD and 4 audio-CDS for the course. A split-level edition is available. An English online glossary is also available: https://www.klett-sprachen.de/download/20085/KlasseA1_Glossar_Englisch_final.pdf
New Products For September - Klasse!